The Fogg Behavior Model or the B=MAP Model For Building Habits

The Fogg Behavior Model or the B=MAP Model For Building Habits

Everything you need to know about the Fogg Behavior Model to welcome transformation into your life and build lasting habits. According to BJ Fogg, the founder of the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University, a behavior happens when motivation, ability, and a prompt converge simultaneously. This is known as the Fogg Behavior Model or B=MAP. If…

5 Simple Ways to Build and Stick to a Daily Journaling Habit

5 Simple Ways to Build and Stick to a Daily Journaling Habit

Journaling is an excellent way for self-reflection and prioritizing your tasks for the day. It has been established by science to be an effective tool for self-awareness. Despite its many benefits, several people struggle to maintain a daily journaling habit.  This article discusses five simple steps you can adopt right now to make daily journaling…