Most people at least consider New Year’s Resolutions. But also you should consider your life goals (and then regularly reconsider them), your annual goals (maybe re-evaluating mid-year), and then your weekly and daily goals.

The power of small changes to make big results
Most people at least consider New Year’s Resolutions. But also you should consider your life goals (and then regularly reconsider them), your annual goals (maybe re-evaluating mid-year), and then your weekly and daily goals.
Scientific studies show that meditation can improve your creativity, reduce stress, improve your cardiovascular health and even positively change the physical structure of your brain. Here’s a collection of tips & research to help you build a meditation habit. In our meditation research, 75% said meditation improved their focus at work.#liftchat April 3, 2013 Data-based Tips & Research Lift Data Insights: Why you should start…