healthy lifestyle – HabitHacks The power of small changes to make big results Mon, 05 Apr 2021 05:51:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 healthy lifestyle – HabitHacks 32 32 How to Build A Habit of Push-Ups Every Day Mon, 05 Apr 2021 05:51:20 +0000 Read ]]> Whether you’re doing push-ups or any other exercise, making a commitment to the decision is on you. Once you’re clear in your head of why you want to go ahead with any commitment, you’ll be able to power on through any setback that comes your way.

Before we go into how to build a habit of doing daily push-ups, let’s take a few moments to discuss what benefits push-ups can have on the body and how frequently should one do them.

As Healthline puts it, “Traditional pushups are beneficial for building upper body strength. They work the triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders. When done with proper form, they can also strengthen the lower back and core by engaging (pulling in) the abdominal muscles.”

This is what makes push-ups such a great exercise. They are a super fast and insanely effective exercise for building strength. The best part is that they can be done from virtually anywhere and don’t require any equipment. 

This post discusses some tips and tricks you can implement right now to build a habit of doing daily push-ups.

1. Focus on form 

Taking time to watch YouTube videos or employ a personal trainer to teach you to apply the perfect form will go a long way in ensuring that you don’t injure yourself while making certain you get the maximum benefits from your workout.

There are many ways to do a push-up. Pick one that suits your body type and stamina, and give it your hundred percent.

2. Rest for at least one day

You can’t work your chest and shoulder muscles all days of the week. Take one day off each week and designate it to self-care, rest, and healing. This will give your body ample time to build muscles and become stronger than before.

3. Train the opposing muscle group

Push-ups don’t just work out your chest muscles, they train your shoulders too. Your shoulders are unstable and fragile and you need to train them harder to balance your strength and improve stability. For that, it’s important that you should include some upper back and rotator cuff work in your exercise regimen.

4. Do a proper warmup

This is true for any exercise you’re planning to do. Without a proper warmup, you risk the chance for injuries and not properly working out the target muscles. 

Before you start your daily push-ups, stretch your body properly. This might seem like too much work, or even unnecessary. But if you don’t take care of your body properly and take preventive measures against injury, you might wake up one day in too much pain and unable to continue your exercise regime.

5. Reward yourself 

Once you complete your daily push-ups, reward yourself with something that you really enjoy. This could be some uninterrupted time with your dog, a bite of your favorite meal, an episode of a sitcom you love, and so much more. 

Get creative with your rewards so your brain and body are trained in a way that they know what needs to be done before they can get what they so strongly desire.

6. Get an accountability partner

No matter how hard you’re pushing yourself, doing something so big and challenging all by yourself can get tough at times. To make sure you don’t lose motivation midway, have a friend who is working on the same body goals. Working on a shared goal is a great way to ensure that you don’t lose hope even if you don’t immediately see results.

If you aren’t able to find a friend working towards the same goals, you can hire an accountability coach to help you keep on track. They are trained professionals who will hold you accountable each day and make sure you don’t fall off the wagon even if you are demotivated.

You can also download a habit tracker where you check off the days on the calendar when you managed to stick to your goal of daily push-ups. You’ll soon start craving for an unbroken streak. This can act as a great trigger and a cue for your body and mind to start your habit immediately. 

8 Tips to Stop Smoking Mon, 15 Mar 2021 07:25:16 +0000 Read ]]> If you came to this page to learn how you can quit smoking, you probably know all the health risks associated with it. But no matter how much one resolves to quit smoking, it can get hard.

This post discusses eight effective steps you can implement right now to quit smoking and get rid of your smoking habit. Apply them to lead a healthier life today.

1. Know your why

Having a strong reason to quit smoking can go a long way in helping you stick to your resolution. Know your reason behind this decision and make your mind around it. Be so rock solid in your conviction that no amount of temptations can divert you from your path.

2. Prepare before you dive in

Nicotine addiction is real and can be very difficult to deal with on your own. Before you embark on this journey to quit smoking, talk to your doctor and your addiction expert about your decision. Some drugs to help with the withdrawal symptoms can also be a good tool in your arsenal.

You can also consider nicotine replacement therapy and familiarize yourself with alternatives before taking such a big step. These will help you stay on course and stick to your goals.

3. Expect support

Lean on your loved ones for support. Tell them about your decision and the steps you plan to take to achieve this goal of quitting smoking and draw your boundaries. If you have friends who hang out while smoking, you need to stay away from them during the smoking hours so you don’t get tempted. 

Similarly, let your family know. Having a shoulder to lean on will make this journey less taxing than it has to be.

You can also hire an accountability coach to guide you on this journey and keep track of your progress. With their expert advice, they can make sure you don’t fall off the wagon.

4. Find new ways to relax

The most common reason people turn to nicotine is that it helps them relax. If you find different ways to enjoy your breaks, you can beat the cigarette addiction.

Go to a massage spa, pamper yourself with a hot bath, find purpose in a new hobby, rediscover your love for reading — there are so many ways you can fight work stress. Cigarettes don’t have to be the only option.

5. Avoid triggers

Another common reason people turn to smoke is that they need something to accompany their drinks. If you feel alcohol is a trigger, stop drinking so you don’t feel tempted. 

Fighting alcohol addiction is another struggle, but if leaving these two habits helps you live a better life, why not attempt them both?

6. Get a lifestyle change

Clean your house and get rid of all the reminders of your smoker lifestyle. Toss the ashtrays in the trash and get houseplants or other decorative items to replace them.

Similarly, change your lifestyle to fill in your “smoke breaks” with other meaningful activities. Spend time with a pet, hang out with friends, or dedicate an evening to a loved one.

7. Learn to forgive yourself 

Understand that giving up smoking is not going to be a straight line. It is a journey filled with ups and downs — and there will be days you can’t be strong enough. Bad days are inevitable and not in your control. But you can control the way you feel about them. 

Forgive yourself for slipping up, and get back on track. You can also download a free habit tracker to mark your progress. Remember to celebrate small wins and congratulate yourself for keeping up a streak of ‘no smoking’ days. 

8. Exercise

Make exercise a part of your daily routine. When you get your body moving, you’ll feel the dopamine hit that comes from smoking and not feel the need to resort to cigarettes.

If you feel working out is hard, you can also incorporate running into your schedule. It’s a great way to de-stress after a long day. You can be healthy as well as not rely on smoking for comfort. 
