10 Habits of Happiness

Search Amazon.com for books about happiness and you’ll get 33,001 results. But you don’t need to read a book to find happiness. Here are ten popular and easy habits that can give you a positive boost: 10 Habits of Happiness Smile: Move your muscles into a smile to encourage the same positive emotions that make you smile.…

Habit of the Day: Write Three Positive Things About Today

We were surprised last year when the Write three positive things about today habit doubled in participants in one day after Lifter Zack Shapiro blogged about it. The habit now has over 1,450 members: My @liftapp habit “Write three positive things about today” doubled in participants today. Got featured on @Lifehacker! http://t.co/glOg1oXy — Zack Shapiro (@ZackShapiro) January 15, 2013 What compelled…