46 Ways to Become Better at your Business

Business & Career Advice

My view is often guided by the framing of the business world as a competition between hubris and competence. We come down on the side of helping people succeed through extreme competence.

Getting a new job or promotion:

How to be more influential:


Play to your strengths:


Business Networking

My take here is that the advice breaks down a bit between personality types. A lot of introverts feel like they need to be better networkers, and so they’re looking for explicit strategies.

If you self-identify as an introvert, you probably want to start with these three articles:

For all networkers, there are two additional basic skills:

For advanced networkers, here’s how to tweak your approach to be even more successful:

Email Habits

If you want to be a more efficient emailer, start with this article, which has been tested through hundreds of one-on-one coaching experiences:

After that, try these three skill upgrades:


For inspiration, start with how successful writers start and end their articles:

After your first draft, know that excellence mostly comes down to how much effort you put into editing:

Public Speaking

One great article on how to prepare based on TED experiences:

Then two articles on how to overcome your anxiety: