A detailed step-by-step guide on everything you need to know before hiring a life coach, and how to make the best of your sessions with them.

The power of small changes to make big results
A detailed step-by-step guide on everything you need to know before hiring a life coach, and how to make the best of your sessions with them.
During these trying times, starting a career may be fearsome and challenging. When everything seems uncertain, pursuing it may also be scary and intimidating with all those uncertainties around. But now is not the time to be half-hearted, not the time to fear and doubt. But now is the time to be steadfast, fierce, and…
Although incredibly effective, life coaching is definitely not a magic pill. Employing a life coach won’t tackle every one of your issues or bring “instantaneous achievement”.
Business & Career Advice My view is often guided by the framing of the business world as a competition between hubris and competence. We come down on the side of helping people succeed through extreme competence. Getting a new job or promotion: How to Get Promoted ~Heather Hund How to Achieve Your Most Important Career Goal…
Please tell me you read the goal-setting section. Otherwise, productive just means busy, and there’s no value in that. To what end do you care about productivity? My own goals for productivity include things like having a positive impact and making money. But they also include goals like being able to say on Saturday, “I…
Most people at least consider New Year’s Resolutions. But also you should consider your life goals (and then regularly reconsider them), your annual goals (maybe re-evaluating mid-year), and then your weekly and daily goals.
The GTD or Get Things Done daily review is a productivity hack that lets you look back on the day gone by, reflect on all that you have achieved, and set better goals for the next day so you can get more done. It helps you sort through any ideas you generated during the day,…
“GTD” stands for Getting Things Done, which comes from a popular book by David Allen. Several people of all ages, races, colors, and creeds have benefited from this weekly review process over the years. It has now become established as one of the most effective productivity-boosting techniques. The GTD weekly review is a systematic review…
Are you tired of setting a to-do list that’s too long and fail to tick all the tasks there? Are you tired of setting your priorities for the day and then go to with regret at not having completed them all? If you’re feeling overwhelmed with work and not sure which task to complete further,…
The Ivy Lee method is a simple daily routine for achieving peak productivity first documented in 1918 by the highly-respected productivity consultant named Ivy Lee. The method is so useful, that when Charles M. Schwab, one of the richest men in the world, went to Ivy Lee to discuss this, Lee didn’t ask for any…