About Do you have trouble keeping your house and office clean? Maybe you’re always running out of storage space at home? You can finally clean your living or working spaces by following the KonMari method described in this book. More significantly, having your house in order will result in a deep mental shift that will…
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20 Inspiring Quotes from “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle
About Power of Now shows that every minute spent worrying about the future or mourning the past is a waste of time, as you should be living in the moment, right now, and it provides you with effective strategies to start feeling every minute as it happens. Is being present the key to happiness? According…
20 Inspiring Quotes from “The Obstacle Is The Way” by Ryan Holiday
About The Obstacle Is The Way is a modern take on Stoicism, which helps you endure life’s struggles with grace and resilience by drawing lessons from ancient heroes, former presidents, modern actors, and athletes, and how they turned adversity into success through the power of perception, action, and will. You might wonder if there is…
20 Inspiring Quotes from “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius
About Meditations is a compilation of 12 volumes written by Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius that will teach you to Stoic philosophy, the notion of logic, and self-discipline, and give you trust that the world’s direction is correct. This book, a wonderful compilation of Marcus Aurelius’ personal writings, will help you realize that simple and truthful…
20 Inspiring Quotes from “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne
About Rhonda Byrne’s Secret is a self-help book on the power of positive thinking. According to the book, like attracts like, which implies that emitting good energy will be highly useful since you will attract positive things to you. Byrne claimed that good thinking attracts favorable results. Simply believing in what you desire to achieve…
20 Inspiring Quotes from “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale
About “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale is about how you can keep your heart and thoughts free of hatred and anxiety. Living simply means expecting less and giving more. Give light, put yourself aside, and consider others. You’ll see a difference after a week of using them. The book’s content focuses…
20 Inspiring Quotes from “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell
About “Outliers” illustrates why the concept of the “self-made man” is a myth and what genuinely lies behind the achievement of the finest individuals in their area, which is typically a succession of fortunate occurrences, uncommon chances, and other external variables beyond our control. Are those regarded as great achievers distinct from the rest of…
20 Inspiring Quotes from “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss
About The 4-Hour Workweek is a step-by-step guide to breaking free from the constraints of a corporate job, getting started a business to support your ideal lifestyle, and living life like a billionaire without having to be one. The world is always changing, yet certain things seem to remain constant. If you feel that your…
20 Inspiring Quotes from “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
About Think And Grow Rich is a compilation of the 13 most frequent behaviors of wealthy and successful people, gleaned from 20 years of research on over 500 people. In life, you must take some measures to reach your goals, yet you must also avoid certain steps to be successful. This book is a must-read…
20 Inspiring Quotes from “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki
About “Rich Dad Poor Dad” presents the narrative of a youngster who has two fathers, one rich and one poor, to help you develop the attitude and financial skills necessary to establish a life of prosperity and independence. As a youngster, your perspectives and beliefs are often influenced by your parents. And in this book,…