“Even for people who don’t have much experience with meditation or time to put into it, it may be useful to do a little mindfulness meditation just before facing a situation or task in which it would help to not emphasize the negative so much and appreciate the positive more.” Did you know that our brains…
All posts in Meditation
Meditation For Creativity: Interview with Dr. Lorenza Colzato
Sign up to receive free chapters and interviews included in Lift’s book: The Strongest Mind in the Room “[Our studies found that] Open Monitoring meditation induces a control state that promotes divergent thinking, a style of thinking that allows many new ideas of being generated. Second, Focused Attention meditation does not sustain convergent thinking, the process of generating one…
Data-based Meditation Tips
Scientific studies show that meditation can improve your creativity, reduce stress, improve your cardiovascular health and even positively change the physical structure of your brain. Here’s a collection of tips & research to help you build a meditation habit. In our meditation research, 75% said meditation improved their focus at work.#liftchat April 3, 2013 Data-based Tips & Research Lift Data Insights: Why you should start…
Meditation Habits of Lift Users
Read Lift’s How to Meditate guide for more tips and free guided meditations. We’ve received a lot of questions about how, exactly, one should meditate since launching the March Meditation Challenge. We asked Lifters in the Meditate habit to share the techniques they use. Time of Day Rise and shine, most people on Lift meditate in the…
Getting Started with Meditation
Read Lift’s How to Meditate guide for more tips and free guided meditations. Meditation has the power to change lives but many people say it’s too hard to do. We think the habit is just as easy to pick up as any other daily habit, maybe even easier. It’s as Easy as Taking Your Vitamins The…