Now you can help others reach their Lift goals by writing a Coaching Plan. Anyone can create a plan at this link:
Coaching Plans give you daily instructions to help you reach your goals.
A lot of times, you know what you want to achieve but don’t know what steps you take to get there. Coaching plans give you those concrete steps. (“Habits” in Lift – like “Drink more water” – don’t require specific steps.)
How does it work?
When users sign up to a plan, the plan will show up on their Lift list along with an instruction for what to do that day
Steps are sequential, so each time a user completes a step, they unlock the instructions for the next step.The next step will show up on their Lift list the day after they check-in.
What are the benefits of creating a plan?
“Since I read your email last night, I’ve signed up for this plan (Get Productive the AgileWay) and ordered the corresponding book.” ~ Beta User
We’re still learning but here are some benefits we’ve already identified:
- Build your brand
- Engage your community
- Promote yourself: give something of value to potential clients and followers
That sounds cool, but I don’t think I’m qualified to write a plan.
Hold up! You probably are.
Anyone can write a plan. We think the following people will be especially great at making plans:
- You’re a coach or personal trainer.
- You’re a topic expert in diet, communications, nutrition, fitness, productivity, etc.
- You’ve just achieved a goal and want to help others do the same.
- You want to achieve a goal yourself and know the steps to take to do so. You’d love for others to join you along the way.
- You’re a teacher: you know how to structure plans and teach people new things.
- You’re an author with a book that teaches skills.
What kinds of plans can I write?
Plans can be about anything!
We all have different goals and different skills to share, from training to a 5K or marathon to increasing productivity and becoming a better public speaker.
Who can take my plan?
You can share your plan with anyone using the public link included in the Details of Your Plan email. They’ll need to create a Lift account to participate.
Links for more info:
Create a Plan:
Tips for Writing Your Plan: