Who is Phil Maffetone?

The motto of Dr. Phil Maffetone is that “everyone is an athlete.” As a health and fitness trendsetter, he may have had a greater beneficial influence on a broader range of individuals than anybody else in recent history. 

His approach to obtaining optimum human performance by tapping into the human body’s fat-burning system has helped millions of individuals achieve their goals in sports, business, and life, from professional and Olympic athletes in nearly every sport to normal people from all walks of life.  


Dr. Maffetone has worked with some of the world’s best athletes in a range of sports throughout the course of his career, most notably Mark Allen, the six-time Hawaii Ironman Triathlon Champion. Dr. Maffetone has also worked with professional baseball and football players, explorers, NASCAR drivers, and Olympic medalists in a range of sports. While Dr. Maffetone’s work with top-level athletes reads like a “Who’s Who,” maybe, more importantly, he has helped thousands of weekend warriors reach personal-best results in their chosen sports.

Social Media

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Phil Maffetone at Twitter

Read more about Phil Maffetone here.

Inspiring Talks by Phil Maffetone


Notable quotes

  • “You’re training your body to burn more fat as an energy source, therefore, you’re going to store less fat, and you’re going to get rid of any excess fat.”
  • “All anaerobic training should be preceded by an easy aerobic warm-up and followed by an easy aerobic cooldown. On the days between anaerobic exercise, perform an easy aerobic workout.”
  • “For example, if you’re presently jogging a mile in 12 minutes at a rate of 140 bpm, after three months of training at this heart rate your pace may quicken to 10 minutes per mile. Even though you’ll be jogging, or running, faster, you’ll be exercising at the same heart rate and feel almost the same as when you were jogging at the slower pace of 12 minutes per mile.”
  • “FOOD (single serving) Folate (mcg) Avocado 118 Spinach 263 Asparagus 243 Beets 136 Leaf lettuce 119 Lentils 358 Brussels sprouts 157 Broccoli 168 Green peas 94 Orange 54 Papaya 112 Turkey 486 Beef 221”
  • “By measuring an athlete during all aspects of training, I made the important discovery that anaerobic stimulation, which can come from any anaerobic workout and any physical, chemical, or mental lifestyle stress, had the potential to interfere with the development of the aerobic system, thereby reducing endurance potential. An important aspect of building the aerobic base, I quickly learned, is that during this process, anaerobic training should be minimized—ideally eliminated—from the training schedule. And, athletes need to become more aware of how stress affects them.”
  • “An important rule is worth mentioning here again: Have fun in your workouts. They should be enjoyable and invigorating.”
  • “not only does stretching not “warm” your body and prepare it for exercise, but it can be harmful.”
  • “Rather than increase your pace, gradually increase your total workout time.”
  • “Never train anaerobically more than two to three times each week, and separate anaerobic sessions by at least 48 hours to assure good recovery.”
  • “If your workout schedule includes six or seven days each week, at most three anaerobic sessions are acceptable; if you work out four to five days each week, two anaerobic days are more appropriate; if you work out only three days each week, only one of these sessions should be anaerobic; and if you work out fewer than three days each week, anaerobic workouts are not recommended since it would be too easy to create an imbalance.”