How I Train: Marcey Rader

Marcey Rader is a personal lifestyle trainer who specializes in fitness and productivity for mobile professionals. Her business grew out of her own experiences in learning to stay fit and sane while living out of cars, planes, airports and hotels. “Some say staying fit and productive requires self-discipline, commitment or willpower.”, Rader says on her…

Alternatives to a Standing Desk

We’ve all heard that sitting all day at our desks is killing us. The popular way to save ourselves from impending doom is to buy a standing desk, but if you aren’t ready to get out of your seat during work hours. Office Desks can make all the difference to your productivity at work and…

Workout When You're Least Productive: Productivity Tip from Evan Williams

Takeaway: You’ll get more done if you work according to your circadian rhythm instead of working 9-5pm.  Evan Williams isn’t at work in the middle of the day. You’ll find the founder of Blogger, Twitter and Medium at the gym instead.  The potential for productivity fluctuates at different times of the day for different people. Clue into your energy…

Workout When You’re Least Productive: Productivity Tip from Evan Williams

Takeaway: You’ll get more done if you work according to your circadian rhythm instead of working 9-5pm.  Evan Williams isn’t at work in the middle of the day. You’ll find the founder of Blogger, Twitter and Medium at the gym instead.  The potential for productivity fluctuates at different times of the day for different people. Clue into your energy…