This Meditation Exercise Builds Mental Muscle and Cures ProcrastinationImagine always having the strongest mind in the room How to Conquer Procrastination with 3 Self-Awareness TechniquesMeditation is one way, but not the only way How to Use the Right Tools to Beat ProcrastinationPart 2: Apps for improving willpower One Trick to Beat Procrastination Forever How to…
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3 Strategies of Intermittent Fasting for a Healthy Life
The Sweet Spot for Intermittent FastingLower insulin means greater fat loss My Experience With Intermittent Fasting: How Time-Restricted Eating Changed My LifeI was intrigued by intermittent fasting years ago when I heard about Hugh Jackman’s eating regimen for The Wolverine How the Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting Cured My Non-Diabetic HypoglycemiaFeeling hungry and irritable often?…
5 Simple Guides To Help You Find Your Way to Happiness
The Japanese Concept ‘Ikigai’ is a Formula for Happiness and MeaningFlash back to 2012. You would find me squished between Wall Street bankers on a bus heading out of New York City Why happiness should be your business modelThere’s a new breed of entrepreneur looking to realise their dreams – those that put people and…
4 Ultimate Hacks That Help You To Sleep Better
What I Learned from Six Months of Obsessive Sleep HackingHow I tracked data to reveal the best habits for improving my own sleep—and how you can, too How to Power Through Sleep DeprivationEvidence-based techniques for the weary to manage symptoms of sleep deprivation Findings by Self-Experimenters on SleepUsing Data and the Latest Research, These Health…
5 Strategies To Help You Wake Up Early and Stick to It
How To Wake Up at 5 A.M. Every DayAn unconventional and compassionate guide to becoming an early bird The 50/30/10/10 Rule for How to Wake Up Earlier and Work on Your DreamI am not a morning person whatsoever 11 Unusual Tips for How to Wake Up EarlyIf you’re a night owl and you’ve tried waking…
5 Guides to Optimize your iPhone for Productivity and Focus
A Reasonably Detailed Guide to Optimizing Your iPhone for Productivity, Focus and Your Own HealthThe very, very complete guide to productivity, focus, and your own longevity How to Make Your iPhone Black and White (And Why You Should)The candy-colored interface on your phone triggers your brain into using it more. Use grayscale mode to make…
Keynote Speeches of All Habit Coach Commencements Organized by Coach.Me
Here are the keynote speeches by our guest speakers for all the Habit Coach Commencement Ceremonies organized by Coach.Me so far: Habit Coach Commencement #1 with Leo Babauta “Fearless habit of putting yourself out there.” Being a habit coach isn’t simply about changing some habits on the surface. It’s about diving in deeper to create an…

6 Tips to Kickstart A Habit of Having breakfast Every Morning
Growing up, you must have heard the saying over and over again, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” While the jury is still out on whether or not this is true for all individuals across various ages, it widely accepted and known that having a healthy breakfast sets you in a good…

8 Simple Tips to Make Exercise A Part of Your Daily Routine
1. Find a workout you enjoy Not all exercises are for all body types. Some people enjoy Yoga and Pilates, while some can only see changes while doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. The trick is to find a workout that you enjoy doing while also showing results you’d like. You can zero in on the…

9 Mistakes to Avoid While Starting Meditation
Don’t expect immediate results.Maybe because of the way popular culture has portrayed meditation as the “one-stop solution to get rid of your stress at one go”, many people get frustrated when all their stress doesn’t magically disappear immediately after their first meditation session. While it’s true that meditation can relieve stress, the results will be…