5 Simple Ways to Build and Stick to a Daily Journaling Habit

5 Simple Ways to Build and Stick to a Daily Journaling Habit

Journaling is an excellent way for self-reflection and prioritizing your tasks for the day. It has been established by science to be an effective tool for self-awareness. Despite its many benefits, several people struggle to maintain a daily journaling habit.  This article discusses five simple steps you can adopt right now to make daily journaling…

10 Habits of Happiness

Search Amazon.com for books about happiness and you’ll get 33,001 results. But you don’t need to read a book to find happiness. Here are ten popular and easy habits that can give you a positive boost: 10 Habits of Happiness Smile: Move your muscles into a smile to encourage the same positive emotions that make you smile.…

Workout When You're Least Productive: Productivity Tip from Evan Williams

Takeaway: You’ll get more done if you work according to your circadian rhythm instead of working 9-5pm.  Evan Williams isn’t at work in the middle of the day. You’ll find the founder of Blogger, Twitter and Medium at the gym instead.  The potential for productivity fluctuates at different times of the day for different people. Clue into your energy…

Workout When You’re Least Productive: Productivity Tip from Evan Williams

Takeaway: You’ll get more done if you work according to your circadian rhythm instead of working 9-5pm.  Evan Williams isn’t at work in the middle of the day. You’ll find the founder of Blogger, Twitter and Medium at the gym instead.  The potential for productivity fluctuates at different times of the day for different people. Clue into your energy…

Schedule Easy, Small Tasks as Work Breaks: Productivity Tip from Erin McKean

Takeaway: Interruptions can boost your creativity if you schedule them at the right times.  Erin McKean, the founder of the online dictionary Wordnik, interrupts her schedule with small, easy tasks in order to increase her productivity. What’s the science behind “productive” distractions? Dr. Shelley Carson of Harvard University discovered that focusing on a problem limits creativity because you become more…