A detailed step-by-step guide on everything you need to know before hiring a life coach, and how to make the best of your sessions with them.

The power of small changes to make big results
A detailed step-by-step guide on everything you need to know before hiring a life coach, and how to make the best of your sessions with them.
Habits are small decisions taken into regular action. How it shapes you is a result of the habits you had decided to develop in the past. But do you know how you develop that particular habit? Are you aware of how you were able to build those habits? In research by Duke University published online…
According to Stephen Covey- A habit is the intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire; whether you developed a good habit or a bad one, it would become the character that ultimately becomes you. A habit is repeated behavior that is learned rather than acquired. It requires little or no thought to develop a habit, and…
Diet & Fat Loss My position is that you should be focused on manipulating your body to burn fat. This is a very different focus than calorie-counting and is based on the scientific explanations of Dr. Jason Fung (and our own experience running diet studies and supporting fat loss coaches). To manipulate your body to be…
When you are trying to build a new habit or break out of an old one, getting a habit tracker is an amazing option. Marking your daily progress in pursuit of the new habit in a habit tracker is a great way to make sure you don’t fall off the wagon. The easiest way to…
Habit tracker apps are extremely useful when you are trying to build a new habit or break out of an old one. Sure, you can track other aspects of the habit in terms of how much progress you have made. But tracking your consistency is also valuable. No matter where you are in your journey…
If you are trying to build a new habit or get rid of an old one, tracking your progress on the calendar can be a huge motivating factor on your journey. If you mark the days on the calendar where you managed to successfully stick to your new habit, you’ll soon see a streak. The…
Watching TED talks have an amazing impact on most people. They are filled with the adrenaline rush of wanting to make an immediate change in their lives right away. If you are a fan of watching TED talks and are trying to build better habits, this post is just for you. It discusses five TED…
Books you need to read today to build good habits and get rid of bad ones. “All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits.” — William James The things we do in life, the heights we achieve, the goals we accomplish — all of them are a culmination of habits. What we…
Learn from the success stories of hundreds of people all over the world who have benefited immensely from this method. The first mention of “Tiny Habits” was by Dr. BJ Fogg, a behavior scientist credited for founding the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University. He is the New York Times bestselling author of Tiny Habits. He…